• Harleys And Tattoos

    Years ago, one of the models we worked with for Blessed Bodywear told me that her husband was a tattoo artist. I booked some time with him to get some work done on my left arm. I loved his work, and we have become friends since then. While he...
  • Life And Death And Living The Life You Were Meant To Live

    Life. What is all of this for, and why and what is our purpose here? Inspired by the recent passing of a man we knew and respected deeply, we talk about our perspectives on what is essential, what isn’t, and how important it is to evaluate where we are,...
  • You Gotta Hear This!

    I met Missy Posterli over a decade ago. She is tall, block the sun tall. And she is beautiful, sexy, and incredible and every picture I have ever taken of her, and there have been thousands, will support those claims. There is a belief among a particular faction of...
  • Working Out Our Differences

    Ana and I are together 24/7 right now and like a lot of couples, it’s not an easy thing to do.  When things got contentious we had to make a choice to either let it escalate or sort out the issues and make our marriage a success.  That realization...
  • Investing My Time Wisely

    I’m one of those guys that tends to lock onto something and ride it to the end. When China gifted the world with this pandemic, and the ensuing quarantine and shutdown descended on the world, our finances were eviscerated. I resisted the urge to panic, dove into my Bible,...