• Bodybuilding Is Not The Only Way

    Model: Ana Tigre Location: Bodysport Fitness Centre, Las Vegas There was a time when getting in shape meant either running outdoors, or lifting weights in a gym, or lining up to use a treadmill. There wasn’t anything else, or better said, there were very few gyms that offered other...
  • How Long Should I Rest Between Sets?

    The answer to this changes depending on whether your goal is to increase your strength, power, muscle size or muscle endurance. While the typical gym goer will choose a rest period that is usually based more on their level of motivation, this topic has been studied extensively so we...
  • Limits? We Don’t Need No Stinking Limits

    The first time I set a goal to do 100 pushups in a single workout it seemed like a lot. I had my doubts that I could get there without a lot of burning muscles and shaky arms and I wasn’t looking forward to it. At the time I...
  • MRSA and Staph – The Two Dirtiest Words In Your Gym

    Despite how well your local gym keeps everything fresh, clean and disinfected, they can’t clean each and every member as they walk in the door. Almost anyone could be carrying the bacteria for Staph infection or MRSA. According to WebMD.com, Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus or MRSA (pronounced mur-sah) is a...
  • How Much Water Is Enough?

    Despite the abundance of “gym” advice on how much water we should be drinking, there has been a distinct lack of relevant science supporting an exact recommended daily intake for athletes. Recently, the Mayo clinic has come to the rescue with the answer. They have concluded that there is...
  • Put Up Your Dukes

    Soon after moving to the USA 15 or so years ago, I started Boxing, then got into Muay Thai, and then MMA. Full contact fight training can be hard on a body. I’ve broken bones in my right foot, two ribs on my left side on two different occasions,...
  • Using Goals To Reach Your Goals

    We must set goals if we want to achieve something, that’s the widely accepted belief. The assumption is that goals give us something to focus on, and presumably if we remain focused, we will reach that goal. Life is rarely that simple. Things come up, more pressing things, difficult...
  • What I Learned About Pushups

    In April I set a goal to do 1000 pushups on my 57th birthday. Yesterday was my birthday and it took me 1 hour and 10 minutes and 2 seconds to complete 1007 pushups. Honestly, it came and went without much problem at all. When I set the goal...
  • Managing Motivation

    I had an interesting conversation about motivation with my friend, Tom Richardson, recently. Tom is a businessman that wrote a book about business called “Business Is A Contact Sport”. Tom is a brilliant analyst of human behavior. He cuts through the fat of rhetoric and cliche and down to...
  • The Lifestyle

    I got a text a couple months ago that a buddy of mine was in the hospital having a quadruple bypass.  He was having stomach problems all week and someone that cares convinced him to see a doctor.  Turns out he was about to have a massive, and probably fatal,...