• Adjusting To Change

    It’s something neither Elaine Goodlad or I am good at yet the change we have experienced has not all turned out bad.  It’s about perspectives and we discuss how we manage those perspectives. My Website Anatigre.com This podcast is brought to you by BlessedBodywear.com You can subscribe to the...
  • What We Do For Fun In Vegas

    Everyone knows about the strip but when you live in Vegas you discover all the things that no one tells the tourists about this magical little town in the desert.  Ana and I talk about our favorite places to eat and favorite things to do in our non-tourist parts...
  • Finding Your Purpose

    Elaine Goodlad joins Ana to discuss finding your purpose in life and following it courageously.  Inspired by an inspirational meme they share their life experiences and the choices they made and the decision to stop chasing butterflies and focus on their calling. My Website Anatigre.com This podcast is brought...
  • Judging Others And Being Judged

    It’s inevitable.  We have all judged someone at some point in our lives and we have all been judged by someone.  It’s never fair, or right, and most times if we knew more of the story we may not be so quick to judge.  Ana and I share our...