• FDA Strengthens Warning For NSIADs

    In 2005, the FDA warned that taking NSAID’s (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) like Ibuprofen and Naproxen increased the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. In July 2015, the FDA strengthened that warning on the advice of an expert panel. While aspirin is an NSAID, it does not pose...
  • The Truth About Multi-Tasking

    Multitasking is a myth, says McGill University Psychology Professor Daniel Levitin. Switching concentration across tasks comes at a neurological cost, depleting chemicals we need to concentrate....
  • What I Learned About Pushups

    In April I set a goal to do 1000 pushups on my 57th birthday. Yesterday was my birthday and it took me 1 hour and 10 minutes and 2 seconds to complete 1007 pushups. Honestly, it came and went without much problem at all. When I set the goal...
  • Managing Motivation

    I had an interesting conversation about motivation with my friend, Tom Richardson, recently. Tom is a businessman that wrote a book about business called “Business Is A Contact Sport”. Tom is a brilliant analyst of human behavior. He cuts through the fat of rhetoric and cliche and down to...
  • Creative Minds

    Creative people are an odd bunch. They see things differently, ask odd questions, think of things few others would have cross their minds, then they blow you away with the things they create with that same inquisitive and unique mind. I love meeting and working with creative people because...
  • The Lifestyle

    I got a text a couple months ago that a buddy of mine was in the hospital having a quadruple bypass.  He was having stomach problems all week and someone that cares convinced him to see a doctor.  Turns out he was about to have a massive, and probably fatal,...
  • Make It Perfect The Very First Time

    The days my ex-wife hated the most were Costco days. It was the same drill every time. Me frustrated, parked in the parking lot at Costco, passionately painting the interior of the car with the most brilliantly colored expletives as I thumbed through the folder of pictures I had...