• His First Knife

    I remember when I got my first jackknife. The exact date is a little foggy, but I do recall it was also the day I got stitches for the first time. I was out of diapers by then, give or take a few years, which was a suitable milestone...
  • Cole The Camera Clown

    Cole is a funny kid. Not in a “we need a therapist” kind of way, just plain old-fashioned funny. If there is a moment otherwise devoid of color, he will paint it gloriously with something funny. Sometimes there is no purposeful intention, it’s just his four-year-old mind making sense...
  • Back On The Job

    The last ten days have been intense. I have been pushed to my limit physically, emotionally, and intellectually. When I finally reached the point where I thought I couldn’t handle more, I learned that I could. And as I sit here reflecting, after a long sleep and a few...
  • Saving Souls

    These are special moments when all six are sitting calmly in one place. Cartoons will do that to a toddler and their dogs, and Ana didn’t miss the opportunity for a candid group shot. This picture is rare, unusual, and when I saw it, my mind hit replay. Four...
  • Hunting for Dinosaurs, Pterodactyls, and Snakes

    A child’s mind, unfettered by the more cerebral and dignified stuff grown-ups invest their short lives in, such as politics and the lunacy of network news, is a world of boundless imagination. In the span of an afternoon, my very own eyes have witnessed the metamorphosis of an otherwise...
  • Keeping Everyone Happy During Quarantine

    The walls are closing in; money is tight, you can’t get a second to yourself, jobs and businesses are unsure or already lost, the news is all doom and gloom, and the world is angry and fed up.  About then, your wife, or husband, or kids look at you...
  • Our Day In Quarantine With Three Toddlers

    When the house starts to shrink so does our patience and it was time that we leave the house and take the kids outside.  Managing their happiness is managing the happiness of everyone at home I have found so I baked them a special treat, had a workout while...
  • Doing The Impossible

    She was on the street hustling drugs when she was fourteen, and pregnant with her first child. Her dad wasn’t anywhere to be found. Her mom was in and out of prison, everybody was in her world, or dead. She was born into the gang. As she explains it...
  • Finding My Dad

    Dad. It’s an important job. The most important one. I was eight years old the last time I called a man dad. He had adopted me after marrying my mother. It didn’t work out for long, he left, and I never heard from him again until I was twenty...