• Darbe Schlosser, The Boxing Brain Scientist

    On any given day you can find her there, at Nash Performance Training Center in Las Vegas, mentally glued to her clients as she coaxes, cajoles, and encourages them through a busy workout. She could be just a kid, in her early 20’s maybe, usually wearing a tank top,...
  • The Guy I Looked Up To

    There is a place, far away from here, where I spent many of my boyhood summers. My Granny and Grandpa lived there, and spending time with them was the source of my greatest happiness back then. Everyone in town liked my Granny, and respected my Grandpa, “Big John” as...
  • Shooting Mr. Olympia

    I met Phil Heath in 2005 when I was working for Flex Magazine. Even then he was seen as a guy that could go all the way by industry pundits and magazine folk. I was tasked to keep close to him all weekend as the following Monday he was...
  • Creative Minds

    Creative people are an odd bunch. They see things differently, ask odd questions, think of things few others would have cross their minds, then they blow you away with the things they create with that same inquisitive and unique mind. I love meeting and working with creative people because...