August 1st: Heavy Bag Work

Overall Workout Objective:

Boxing agility drills, heavy bag skills and conditioning, and most importantly, I trained with my wife Ana for this workout. She is a retired pro athlete so she pushes me and she can hang with me through even my toughest workouts.


  • Start with abdominal work, pushups, and squats – all with body weight only then stretching.
  • Shadow boxing, footwork, and defensive drills
  • 15 – 1 minute round full speed no break with 30 seconds rest between rounds.
  • First 5 rounds at 60% power simple combinations and defense
  • Second 5 rounds at 100% power simple combinations and defense
  • Last 5 rounds at 80% with longer and more complex combinations



From a conditioning perspective, this was challenging. At full speed, my heart rate was at over 170 beats per minute by the 8th round so I know I need to increase my bag training frequency and intensity over the next month. I laid off when I tweaked my back and this was a comeback workout. My conditioning deteriorated significantly in a month.

But, my fundamentals are still there and movement felt good.  


I am going to start running in the deep beach sand again a couple of times a week. When I do that my cardio conditioning improves rapidly and its low impact so I can do it often with no risk of injury. I will also start throwing in one or two Muay Thai workouts per week as they are far more demanding than boxing when you throw in the kicks etc.

Conditioning is everything in fight sports. You let that slide and everything falls apart so that will be the focus along withflexibility for the next month.

Training Diary

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