• Earning The Coin

    In my opinion, and that of countless others, ASP provides the gold standard in collapsable batons, handcuffs, and flashlights for the law enforcement community. Along with it, they provide some very comprehensive and challenging training to ensure their line of equipment is deployed correctly, effectively and safely. And that’s...
  • Off To Boot Camp

    Dillon Hughes will serve his country in the US Coast Guard. He leaves for boot camp tomorrow and when he does, he will leave behind the idealistic dreams and plans of his youth. When he returns home a couple months from now, he will have changed. His well-trained body...
  • Sun On The Beach That Was Hard

    You know those memes where it shows the cool picture of what you think you look like beside the far less flattering one of how you really look. Well, that was me this week when I came up with the hair-brained idea to run a mile on the beach....
  • Good Men Building Other Men

    I know a guy that has devoted his life to the defense of our country. He has been on almost every continent doing the dangerous work very few know about but is vital for our safety and to preserve our way of life. He stands for ideals, values, and...
  • They Call Her Mom

    She wanted to go for a run. He cried because he wanted to run with her. So I pulled over, let him out, and they ran together. Two of our children are legally ours now, and two are not. But try explaining to any of the children that she...
  • You Gotta Hear This!

    I met Missy Posterli over a decade ago. She is tall, block the sun tall. And she is beautiful, sexy, and incredible and every picture I have ever taken of her, and there have been thousands, will support those claims. There is a belief among a particular faction of...
  • Why I Started ModlBody Magazine

    This post is a bit of an artsy-fartsy touchy-feely one, so if you want to look at some beautiful women and don’t really care that much about the why then click here to see Issue One of ModlBody Magazine. I’m proud of this one, and it’s more personal than...
  • Hiking With Supermodels

    I suppose I don’t have to look far beyond myself and Ana to find their motivation. I’m a photographer and Ana is a model. Children learn best by example, whether good or not, and that mirror has smacked me in the face more than once, I regret to admit....
  • Hunting for Dinosaurs, Pterodactyls, and Snakes

    A child’s mind, unfettered by the more cerebral and dignified stuff grown-ups invest their short lives in, such as politics and the lunacy of network news, is a world of boundless imagination. In the span of an afternoon, my very own eyes have witnessed the metamorphosis of an otherwise...
  • Emma’s Fourth Birthday Party!

    Kids know how to have a good time, and there is nothing like a birthday party furnished with sugar, and the promise of new toys to experience the full height and intensity of that glee. My job is to snap a few photos and otherwise let the shenanigans wash...