• Kwamane Is Gone

    The day Ana and I became trained and licensed foster parents, we naively stepped into a strange dichotomous world. It’s a place where some view a singular event as unfair, cripplingly painful, and wrong, yet it is just and immensely joyful to others. We have been selfless heroes doing...
  • Garbageman

    We hear his big truck first. The low rumble of his heavy-duty engine as the truck methodically works its way down the block. Then you hear the hydraulic whine of the mechanical arm as it lifts the garbage bins high in the air, then flips them over and dumps...
  • Falling In Love Again

    I retired from commercial photography a few years ago, so I don’t do as many photoshoots now as I once did. It’s better this way. When I do work, I feel a passion for it like I did years ago before the dollars became more important than the art....
  • Investing My Time Wisely

    I’m one of those guys that tends to lock onto something and ride it to the end. When China gifted the world with this pandemic, and the ensuing quarantine and shutdown descended on the world, our finances were eviscerated. I resisted the urge to panic, dove into my Bible,...
  • Do The Hard Thing

    At 113 degrees, the asphalt gets so hot you can feel it radiate through the soles of your shoes. The air gets sharp and hard to inhale. Your heart rate elevates beyond 100 beats per minute as it works to cool your body, and you haven’t started moving yet....
  • The Armor Of God

    Like most folks, I have a long list of things I am annoyed by, some I am downright angry about, but the “this is absurd” list has eclipsed the other two by a long shot. The whole situation, fortified by a steady diet of news and pseudo-news from a...
  • Saving Souls

    These are special moments when all six are sitting calmly in one place. Cartoons will do that to a toddler and their dogs, and Ana didn’t miss the opportunity for a candid group shot. This picture is rare, unusual, and when I saw it, my mind hit replay. Four...
  • First Day Back At The Gym

    It’s been three months since I darkened the door of a gym. I made big plans back then to workout in the garage during quarantine, which was a great idea until it started getting hot in Las Vegas. And it wasn’t training in the heat that posed a problem...
  • Coffee Will Be Ready Soon

    Photo by Dan Smedley on Unsplash Over two years ago, I got this idea to start a coffee business. I did some research, gathered the data, then weighing things out I decided to put it on the back burner. I had too many things going on to do a...
  • You Don’t Find Love, You Build It

    Love. I believe that it is a thing best measured by the person receiving it rather than the one giving it. I can say that after a dozen years of holding her, smelling her skin, and gazing love-struck into her chocolate brown eyes, I have never questioned Ana Tigre’s...