Celebrating Twelve Years And More

So I met this girl. It was all business from the start and neither of us had any interest in anything more. I was a photographer that shot the worlds top fitness athletes for the worlds top magazines, and she was an elite athlete that owned a line of women’s fitness wear that she designed and manufactured.


Less than a year later we went on our first date.


Almost five years later I asked her to marry me.


We took our time and did the work, and there was lots of work.


It was a small wedding, just six of us, but we celebrated a monumental love that day.


That was 12 years ago.


This morning we woke up way too early. She beat me to it as she got out of bed to walk one of the dogs, the smallest one with a bladder the size of a peanut. She whispered “Happy Anniversary” with a voice so beautiful and a heart so incredibly filled with love and the goodness of God that I am overwhelmed with emotions.


Twelve incredible years worth.


Our four kids were still sleeping, so were the four rabbits and two of the three dogs. I will leave to serve at church in less than an hour so there isn’t a lot of time. I will put on my uniform and go. She will feed 11 mouths not including her own, dress four kids and herself then walk the dogs one more time before she loads our precious family into the van, and minutes later she will glide into church with kids in tow with the most beautiful smile on her face.


And that in a nutshell is how Ana Maria has walked, steadfast at my side, for the past 16 plus years.


Even on our hardest days, and we have had some of those, saying sorry has been the easiest thing to do. I just want to hold her hand, to look into her beautiful eyes, and feel overwhelmed by our love. There are no problems bigger than that.


I thank God for her every day. Many times.


These are some shots from our wedding day. A friend took most of them but I couldn’t resit taking a couple.


Happy Anniversary my Angel.
This Week

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Blessed Bodywear