August 12: High Intensity Fitness Test

Emma joined me for this workout. She did her own program but she was there to cheer her daddy on. I love when our kids workout with Ana and I. They enjoy it very much and are always proud of their workouts, how sweaty they got, and how strong they are.

Overall Workout Objective:
This week it was time to shift gears. The goal for the past 8 weeks has been to develop a level of conditioning and endurance that will allow for more intense skills-based training for Boxing, Muay Thai. This week was about testing to see if I’m ready to step it up.

Monitor conditioning with a heart-rate monitor to see how much I can recover from a moderate to high heart rate in a 30-second rest period.
Full situps – 5 sets
Elevated pushups – 3 sets
Bodyweight squats – 5 sets
Extended warmup and light stretch.
Battling ropes – 30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest
Squat Press – 30/30
Deadlift – 30/30
Muay Thai Heavy bag kicks – 50 per leg
10-1 minute sprint rounds boxing combinations on the heavybag

This was about 50% more than what I have been doing and it wasn’t an easy workout after working all day and it being hot outside. I realized by the time I started doing the bag work, I was not sufficiently hydrated. My heart rate was elevated at the start of the workout and while resting between sets it did not reduce by much. Again, this is because I was not hydrated. Dehydration has a significant impact on performance, far more than one may think. I sat down and consumed 64 ounces of water within 30 minutes after the workout and felt remarkably better. I will spend another week focused on getting my hydration dialed in before I test again.

This was a bear of a workout and while being dehydrated impaired my performance, I was able to do this amount of high-intensity work, just not at the pace I needed to be at. So while my lack of discipline with hydration impaired my intensity, and that was a disappointment, I was encouraged by my endurance as handled the volume just fine.

I also made some adjustments in my diet this past week eliminating grains, refined sugar, and breads and I shed a noticeable amount of water. These things cause inflammation in my body and cause me to retain fluids. I feel so much better and don’t miss any of the foods I eliminated. I also have more energy and am sleeping better. I should have done this long ago.

Training Diary

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