July 29: Up The Volume And Tend To Details

Overall Workout Objective:
Improve upper-body endurance and improve low back and abdominal strength and endurance.

30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest, 5 sets per exercise.
Increase volume and variety by adding a second exercise to each area worked.
Start each workout with abdominal and low-back work, going back and forth between abs and low-back with no rest. Then do 15 minutes of stretching full-body before the rest of the workout.

Starting with abs and low-back, then a stretch, noticeably stabilized my core. Those areas have been neglected so they fatigued very quickly.
I did barbell arm curls, then hammer curls. For triceps, I did narrow pushups and elastic band triceps extensions.
I went very hard doing the reps faster but in control so that I could do more work in the time allotted.
I also included a very short run, but coming off a sore back, I didn’t want to push it until those areas are stronger.

I need to increase hydration by at least half a gallon beyond what I am consuming now.
Never again will I underestimate the importance of core strength, stretching, and hydrating constantly throughout the day.
Training in a hot garage after a full day of work and pushing my heart rate as high as I can get is good preparation physically as well as mentally. I train for the work I do so if I can create very difficult and uncomfortable conditions for my training, I will have the psychological and physical advantage in any stressful situation.

Training Diary

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