Fifteen Strong

Whenever I am called to instruct a firearm certification class for prospective Armed Security Officers, I wonder what I will find when I get there. Carrying a gun for a living, and all the responsibility that comes with it, demands character, work ethic, self-control, a spirit of excellence, and intelligence among a lengthy list of other desirable attributes.

The least of which, in terms of how often you will be required to use it, is the ability to shoot straight, although when you do have to shoot, it had better be straight. For the most part, I train very promising men and women to be armed security officers, agents, and operators. Yet for some, it’s about the gun, but not for the gun’s sake, it’s for the increase in pay for being certified to carry one. It’s never pleasant sending someone away who doesn’t have what it takes but I find some peace in knowing that when I do, the public is safer and that person won’t have their life destroyed for doing something regrettable.

This past weekend was different.

I had the distinct honor of instructing a group of fifteen men and women and not a single soul was unqualified or ill-equipped to be there. Some were there to become executive protection specialists, others private investigators, and some were cyber security specialists. All of them were more than ready to elevate their careers by earning their Armed Security certifications.

It was the kind of class that old instructors dream about but rarely get to see. And to top it off, there were some fellow Christians there, the on fire for God type that exude that love of Christ and you can feel the Holy Spirit on them. I had the honor of praying for a young man who needed to succeed so he could provide for those he loved.

In short, it was a wonderful weekend doing God’s work with people it was a joy to be with and I saw His hand through all of it.

This is the group. Some are retired Police Officers and some are military veterans. We had a stand-up comic, a cook, and a married couple. All of them, as of this past Sunday, are Certified Armed Security Officers in the State of Florida.

This Week

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