One Nation Under God – A Sermon Every American Needs To Hear

Pastor Alex Pappas just returned from a family vacation in Europe. He was there when President Trump was targeted for assasination and saw first hand how America and all that happens here impacts the rest of the world. And then he spoke to every believer driving home the truth about our responsibility to God regardless of our political preference. He spoke about spiritual powers and our responsibility as Christians to deal with those spiritual powers.

It’s a powerful message I have listened to three times today before posting this. Everyone would be well served to listen to this message, but every Christian has, do I dare say a responsibility, to know what Pastor Alex shares with us in this sermon.

He announced that in the coming weeks he will be preaching on Spiritual Warfare which is a fascinating topic that I studied extensively this past year while earning my associates degree in Ministry Studies. I pray this sermon stirs something in your spirit.

God Bless

This Week

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