• My Friend Dave

    Last Friday morning, I caught a flight to San Jose, California, to do a little video work for a very close friend of mine. I don’t like being away from Ana and the kids, but this was a special event, something I have been looking forward to for a...
  • Deep Water Rescue And What I Learned From A Little Boy

    As I quickly lowered my body into the frigid water, a crowd began to gather. They were tourists mostly, and I was just another Vegas oddity. Some crazy, high, or drunk dude going swimming under the Bass Pro Shops waterfall fully clothed. What they didn’t know is that I...
  • My Happy Place

    I’m not afraid of work. I suppose I have a leg up on some guys because I love my jobs, all of them, and they keep me moving from about 5 am to 9 pm or later most days. I’ve been called a workaholic more than once, but every...
  • Shooting Ana De La O

    She carries herself with unusual grace, poise, elegance, and her quiet reserve piques one’s curiosity. You can’t help but look closer. She has the face of a child, yet there is a strength and resolve only a fool would misjudge. She loves her father and her family, and the...
  • The Drums At Ponce

    It was Puerto Rico, and the passion for all things its people hold dear was palpable. I was on a mountain top in an abandoned structure that overlooked the city of Ponce. I had become deeply engrossed in creating photographs with two women, one born and raised on the...
  • Did I Make A Huge Mistake?

    As I sit here pondering my checkered past, I can’t think of a single venture I have embarked upon that was bolstered by encouraging words from those close enough to bend my ear. When I wanted to be a Police Officer, there wasn’t a single soul in my life...
  • The Girl That Started It All

    Some moments come and go with little thought put to them until some time later when you run across them while daydreaming your way through a lost folder of pictures. And boom, there you are, right back in the moment. My wife Ana Tigre is on the left in...
  • Anne Austring Went Home Today

    She and I didn’t always see eye to eye. Things get messy when small-town Baptist girls divorce their husbands and take up with someone new. The new guy is an intruder, an interloper, he doesn’t belong so it’s only natural that he would bear the brunt of all the...
  • Down To Nothing Is Where You’ll Find Everything

    There is a point some of us will reach, if we live long enough. It’s a dismal place devoid of anything good that no one ever dreams of reaching. It’s a crossroad and to get there you have to hurt, and when you think you can’t hurt any longer,...
  • Finding Balance Again, Slowly

    I remember when I used to train so I would look my best on stage. The life of a competitor is very selfish (not in a bad way, it needs to be). My needs were my priority. Then God tapped me on the shoulder with a calling, “ Be...