Thank God It’s Friday

Friday is my favorite day of the week, next to the other six of course provided they behave themselves and don’t act like a total pain in the ass. And when they do, I manage things much better if my batteries are full, and my mind is at peace and ready to be productive.

Friday is that battery filling day for me. When you own your own business you are on and available 24/7 and in a world of instantaneous everything, we had better be, or someone will be pissed. On Friday though, everything slows down. The overall tone of my Facebook newsfeed shifts toward a gentler and more playful dialogue. The guys are about sports, and the silly stuff guys like to focus on after a pressure-filled work week. By 5 pm Las Vegas time, the east coast girls are getting dressing up for a night of selfie-filled fun with their BFF’s. By 8 pm the west coast girls are up to speed and black dresses, pretty faces and shooter drinking pictures abound. Families gather, food is plentiful, there are date nights, and vacations, and for the most part technology is commandeered for a few hours to share good tidings.

To summarize, everyone needs a day off, and it seems that Friday is a good day of the week to do that.

I see Friday’s the same way, it’s a day when the pressure fades for a while. I also see it as a day to evaluate how my week went. Did I reach the goals I had set for myself? What worked and what didn’t? What can I do better? And what am I missing?

These are important questions that help me stay on track and moving forward in business, as well as my personal and my spiritual life. The last one is my favorite because it isn’t about the heavy stuff like relationships, business, and making difficult things work. By asking what I am missing, I am inspired to dig deeper and dream again in the quest for an answer.

I need to be free of distractions when I do this, so I find a place that is beautiful and comfortable and inspiring, and I make sure there is no time pressure to be anywhere or do anything. I talk to my younger self because that guy’s thoughts are unencumbered by responsibility, limits, and time. I ask if he is happy and what he would like to do next. It’s living life through his eyes that keeps me thinking positive, toward the future and believing my very best days are ahead. Talking to him prevents me from thinking old.

I make my new plans for the coming week and write them in my journal so I can stay on track with my goals and dreams when things get crazy and distracting.

I’m one of those guys that will do whatever I can for my loved ones and friends. I don’t hesitate to make sacrifices when required. If I am not careful, I find myself taking care of everyone else but not taking care of myself. There must be a balance to be healthy, happy, and productive, so these Friday meetings keep me on track with my responsibilities as well as my happiness.

It can be hard to cut out the time each week to do this, hard but not impossible. I make it a priority because if I am not happy and motivated, my loved ones that I would sacrifice that time for, will ultimately miss out on my very best. And they deserve my very best.

I took this shot in one of our favorite places, San Clemente, California. This was shot in panoramic mode on my iPhone 6plus.

This Week

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